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Why do we need
a Tailings Dam?

Every tailings dam has a lifespan.

The Barrick Pueblo Viejo site features a tailings dam, El Llagal, which is reaching the end of its lifespan. We will return this site to its original state, reforested and revitalized.

To preserve the environment and run an environmentally friendly mining operation, we need a new space to treat all waste resulted from the mining process.

What is a
Tailings Dam?

The tailings dam is the earth-fill embankment used to store byproducts resulting from the mining operations. In the case of Pueblo Viejo, these tailings are not pollutants, as they are supervised and studied in detail to guarantee the absence of chemicals or components that could affect the environment.

Why sustain the
Mine´s lifeSpan?

Life-cycle-focused sustainable mining is a necessity for everyone!

The mining industry of the Dominican Republic is facing a great challenge: to maintain its production to continue supplying and boosting the national economy. The Pueblo Viejo mine is showing a drastic reduction of ore, which translates into a negative impact that could affect the sector and the collection of taxes and revenues that benefit hundreds of Dominicans

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The correct management and best practices of the mining company must always be supported by strategic environmental assessment studies carried out by the State in accordance with General Law of Environment.

The studies are the tools that help identify the ideal place that meets the technical, social, and environmental conditions to develop the new tailings dam.

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A Place of Value

Modern Mining

Benefits of Mining for a Modern World


Barrick Pueblo Viejo is a success story of responsible mining management while being environmentally friendly. To achieve this, the project is based on the best environmental practices and processes with a view to protecting national biodiversity.

Value for the Dominican Republic

For over 15 years, we have been promoting the sustainable development of the neighboring communities. We have worked hard to boost the economic growth of the Dominican Republic, create new opportunities, and to enhance the value of our people.

The Mejita Dam: Solid Value

We are committed to the economic, social, and environmental development of the Dominican Republic. Barrick Pueblo Viejo’s contributions have not only been in financial terms but have also included the biggest environmental cleanup in the country: the remediation of the damage to the local ecosystem of the Sánchez Ramírez province.

Stories of Value

Prosperous businesses, new direct and indirect jobs, education, and hundreds of families benefited.

Barrick came to change the history of all Dominicans, promote citizen empowerment, break generational cycles of poverty, and create new opportunities.

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